Catherine Huang

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About FSN

Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) is a modern acupuncture technique, which was invented by Dr Zhong-hua Fu, a Chinese doctor, in 1996. This technique uses a modified acupuncture needle FSN Trocar Acupuncture Needle to stimulate subcutaneous areas where nearby trigger points, taut or tightened muscles (TMs).

With the characters of much less pain of the patient and instant effect of pain relieving, the patients quite often describe the FSN as “magic needle” with unbelievable effects.

Many patients who came to my clinic with various musculo-skeletal conditions (commonly such as Knee pain, Tennis elbow, Chronic or acute headache, Tenosynovitis, Lower back pain, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Shoulder pain, Lumber disc problems, Neck pain, Sprained ankle, Arthritis) have had very satisfactory results.

What are the difference between TA and FSN
Traditional Acupuncture (TA) is to use fine needles inserting at the specific points of meridians in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.

TA involves by inserting needles to penetrating skin, subcutaneous and muscular tissues and then stimulating the points. Patients will experience different feelings such, Chinese medicine called “De Qi”, as heaviness, tingling, mild soreness, etc.Once needles are put in, patients will stay still for around 30mins for the effect.

FSN is originated from Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and developing on basic medical science. FSN’s needle only reach to subcutaneous tissue. This technique has much less pain and less sensation on the patients.Instead of staying still, the movements for the strained muscles are involved while manipulating needle, which can produce an incredible pain-relieving effect instantly.

Is FSN safe? Absolutely!

FSN is much safer than traditional acupuncture and other new needling techniques, for the simple reason that it does not reach the muscles or penetrate the deep fascia layers, but only stops at the subcutaneous layers.

FSN treats the afflicted area or organ by stimulating its healthy counterpart, thus making it undoubtedly not only safer than traditional acupuncture but also much less painful and sensitive, since there is very few nerve endings in subcutaneous layer.

However, one should also remember that FSN, like all the other needling techniques, may sometimes have some temporary minor adverse effects, occasional small amount of bleeding and bruising of the skin or, in rare occurrences, a short bout of dizziness.

Does FSN hurt? Only a slight sting!

Although FSN needle is slight thicker than conventional acupuncture needle, as it is inserted by an applicator, the insertion is almost painless. In addition, as FSN only use one or two needles, plus patients requested no sensation (de-qi), while convention acupuncture uses 10-20 needles and requesting patients have sore or heaviness sensations. That is why some children would choose FSN rather than conventional acupuncture.

Treatments are fully insured for all patients seen by Catherine Huang.


Sumarise of Therapies Offered:

Acupuncture;  Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCHM);  Cupping;  Auricular Acupuncture; Battlefield Acupuncture;  Scalp acupuncture;  Electro-Acupuncture;  Five Element Acupuncture;  Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling;  Gua-Sha;  Moxibustion;  Musculoskeletal and Sports Injury Acupuncture;    Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture;   Acupressure for young children;  NADA.

The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol, also known as acudetox, Auricular (ear) Acupuncture, originally designed for use in acute heroin withdrawal, has become a remarkably effective tool applied to many populations receiving behavioral healthcare and primary healthcare.

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